Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Birthday

I must be so lucky. I was born on Easter Saturday and over the years I have had many Easter birthdays. Although Easter does move around the calendar a fair bit, but this year my birthday fell on Easter Sunday.

I felt as excited as a schoolgirl about my birthday this year and I don't know why. It did give me lots of opportunities to talk about Easter to different people, and about why Easter is so important.

I thought Easter this year was particularly special, which was wonderful because lately I've been thinking that more and more people think of Easter as just another holiday, an extra special long weekend of 4 days, so a great opportunity to go away for a few days, to make the most of the last of the good weather before Autumn and Winter are really upon us.

Many of my friends are not Christians in the church-going committed sense, but they know that I am, they know I attend Church and this weekend was another of those times when I was asked about my faith, my beliefs, why I believe, and whether what I did was a hangover from a Christian upbringing. It is interesting how some intelligent people think that Christianity is something that you merely 'out-grow' as you become an adult; once you no longer attend Sunday school or are no longer taken to Church by 'grown-ups'. And I was very happy to tell that my faith is quite the opposite - a definite adult decision, made after much thought and prayer, using both my head and my heart.

On Sunday morning I was up very early and I alternated between 2 tv channels, trying to watch the best of 2 very good Easter Church services. I don't normally turn on the tv in the morning, especially at the weekend but I'm so glad that I did on Sunday. The worship songs were inspirational and the sermons were thought provoking and so appropriate for the 21st century.

Jesus is alive and living in me! He lived and walked on earth with mere mortal men, he was wise and compassionate and performed miracles. But the biggest and most important thing that He did was that He died on that cross for the sins of all people, and not only that! But he rose again on the third day, He defeated death, He fulfilled prophecies, He appeared to so many that there is no denying that He is the Christ.

How special that I have my birthday on such a wonderful day! I am Blessed.


Unknown said...

Belated birthday greetings Kathryn from your Wellington family :-)

Lots of love from
Diana, Geoff, Samuel and Elizabeth


Kathryn said...

Thank you all! As you have seen, I had a lovely birthday!

Alden Smith said...

Belated Happy Birthday to you Kathryn, didn't realise you were blogging again!

Kathryn said...

It's been a while. I don't always have something to say :-) (That is said 'very' tongue in cheek).
Now I have a laptop and an internet connection, so when i have the time I will be Blogging.

Thanks for the birthday greetings, Alden :-)