Monday, July 13, 2009


Align Center

Many years ago I spent some time in Switzerland, where, I have to say, the cows were beautiful. Don't laugh, they really were.
Recently, while I was in Germany (Bavaria), I met some more very beautiful cows. They are also friendly, have the longest eyelashes I have ever seen, and have tinkling bells hanging around their necks.
Some of them are even quite funny. I would even go so far as to say they have a sense of humour! For example, while we were staying in a Ferien Wohnung (I hope that is spelt correctly), a holiday apartment, on the first floor of a beautiful old farmhouse in the village of Oberstdorf in Aargau, Bavaria, every day a farmer drove his cows through the village and past our accommodation, morning and night, to the sound of tinkling bells, and shouts from the farmer to keep everyone moving. The farmer was on a bicycle at the back of the herd. Each morning when we heard the bells, we jumped out of bed to watch them pass, and in the evening, if we were home from doing our touristy things, we would watch them go back the other way. There was one cow in particular who had a taste for a particular plant in the garden next door to us and she would quickly climb up on a rock to get to the plant and start munching away. Every day she would get into trouble with the farmer; he would shout at her and hit her with a stick, but she was undeterred, every morning there she was again!

1 comment:

Alden Smith said...

The thing I like about cows after the milk and cheese are their long eye lashes, very blinking nice.
I wonder if cows were the inspiration for the false eye lash industry?