Saturday, September 26, 2009

Adventures of Spiffy Part 1

Hi, this is Spiffy. Kathryn says I can use her Blog to get my message out there.
The photo is of me, yes the red colour suits me doesn’t it? But this leg is really sore.

It all started when I didn’t wake Kathryn up before her alarm went. Yes, I’m usually one step ahead of the alarm :) I want my breakfast before Kathryn heads off into the shower etc. When she woke up and realised I wasn’t there, she came looking for me. I was in a sorry state curled up on the couch. I felt like I’d been run over by a train. When I saw that Kathryn had come looking for me I tried to stand up but it was very difficult. One of my back legs just wouldn’t work. She had a look at my foot and my leg but couldn’t see anything, there was no blood or anything and I eventually hobbled out to the kitchen to make a bit of a show, at least, that I needed my breakfast. I couldn’t eat it though, and it was my favourite; Whiskas salmon and chicken in jelly, in the sachet, not the can. I tried to get comfortable in several different chairs and both couches but this leg was killing me. It’s a pity I can’t talk, because I would have really liked to tell Kathryn what happened to me. I could see she was really worried. She was looking up phone numbers and getting the surgery hours for the vet, pacing back & forth to check on me. I managed to get a little sleep and next thing I knew Kathryn was picking me up and putting me in her car! Whoah! Not another move to a different house! I’ve lived in enough different houses with plenty of different people and I like it HERE! I’m so used to travelling in cars but that’s what it usually means – she’s getting rid of me! PANIC!
Next thing, she’s putting me in a big plastic box in the front passenger seat, no lid though. She must know I can travel well in the car. I’m pretty brave really. I know people call me a Wuss, but I’m not really. Some cats are terrified of cars, but not me, I’ve done my share of travel. Kathryn talked quietly to me while we were driving, and after one initial walk across the whole dashboard, I thought I might as well sit quietly in the box. I didn’t want her to put the lid on the box, and she threatened to if I didn’t sit still!
Kathryn doesn’t own a proper carry cage (thankfully!). But when we got to our destination, she got out of the car and left me alone! What’s going on here, I thought. So I settled down in the sun on the driver’s seat while I waited to see what would happen next. I was pretty worried but I wasn’t going to let it show.
In a few minutes she came back with a pet carrier cage and put me in it! I was already feeling really bad, but that was really demoralising. Kathryn then carried me – in the cage – into another building. It smelt funny, but there were friendly people there and another cat. He was very interested in me and sniffed at me through the bars of the cage. I found out later that his name was Ollie and he lived there with those nice friendly people.
They took me into a room and a nice lady examined my leg. Boy, did that hurt when she prodded and poked, and squeezed blood out of holes that she found in my leg. And I was really brave, until she poked that other thing into an unmentionable part of me. How degrading! Then three of them had to hold me while they shaved some of my beautiful hair off. The lady said she needed to get a better look at the injuries. And then she told Kathryn that I’d probably been attacked by another cat and these were very deep bite wounds. Well if only I could talk I would have told her that myself. He was a big brute, too. No mercy.
I don’t remember much after that. I think Kathryn left me there but I was so tired and sick I didn’t really care. I know she loves me and wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. How could I have thought she would get rid of me.
The next thing I knew I was being bundled into another cage (borrowed from the nice ladies) and Kathryn was talking to the other nice lady at the front desk and handing over BUNDLES of money! Then Kathryn asked for a receipt. I suppose she was going to wave that under my nose later. I was so tired I didn’t care any more.
Then the strangest thing happened. A voice said “Hello, Kathryn.” And it was Ruth, our next door neighbour, where my best friends, Hobbes and Albert live. They’re pretty old guys and they used to terrorise me a bit when I first moved into the neighbourhood, but we get on pretty well now. They thought my garden was their garden until we sorted out few issues over fences and shed roofs and such.
Anyway, back to the story. It turned out that Hobbes had the same kind of injuries as I had and he had had a general anaesthetic and surgery just like mine! Where I had a red bandage, he had a green one! Can you believe it? Poor old Hobbes; I mean I’m in the prime of life and pretty fit, but he’s 14 years old!
And then Ruth was handing over bundles of money, too, to the lady at the counter.
I put my head down and slept. This was all too much.
To be continued.

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