Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Adventures of Spiffy Part 2

My head was fuzzy, I couldn’t think straight. I knew I was in the car again, in this stupid little cage that I couldn’t turn around in. Oh, this leg, that’s why I couldn’t turn around. I had a great thick bandage on my leg, covered up with a bright red one, and it made my leg feel stiff and it was sticking out. That’s why I couldn’t get comfortable.
When we got home, Kathryn opened the cage to let me out and I couldn’t get out quickly enough. But then I realized that I could hardly stand up, I was so dizzy and confused. I wobbled and wavered about with Kathryn trying to catch me. She was saying “Slow down, Spiffy, take it easy, little boy! Sit down somewhere, will you, or I’ll have to put you back in the cage!” What? Not the cage again! I found my way to the kitchen and Kathryn produced a saucer with my favourite fish on it. I was ravenous, but also as tired as can be. That’s how I ended up lying down to eat my meal. It might have looked lazy in the photo, but there was no other way. Then I found a nice comfy spot to curl up and sleep off this terrible tiredness. I’m sure those ladies must have given me something when I was out of it, to make me so sleepy. I know I sleep a lot normally, but at least I’m still alert and know what’s going on around me. Ah well, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

When I woke up, I felt a lot more alive and alert and ready to go outside. I was busting, so I made my way over to the door. It wasn’t easy with this ridiculous bandage on my leg. I know I’ve got my own pet door but I really prefer to go out of the laundry door into the carport, and there is usually someone kind enough to open it for me. But I couldn’t get into the laundry because the sliding door was closed. It is normally always open. I looked around but no-one was taking any notice of me.
So I hobbled back over to the other sliding door where the pet flap is and guess what? That sliding door was closed too! And in front of it was a yellow plastic rectangular tray with grey gritty stuff in it. I miaowed loudly and I don’t usually do that.
“Sorry, Spiffy, you can’t go outside for 10 days.” Kathryn said. What! How am I going to stay inside for so long? How can I do my private business? Is that what this silly yellow thing is for? And I showed them what I thought of it. I carefully stepped onto the grey gritty stuff, poked around a little bit with my front paws, and then I moved around in a couple of circles and lay down in the tray. I was still busting but I wasn’t going to let them know I was. While they kept an eye on me, I’d play their game, but I was sure it wouldn’t take long for someone to forget to keep the door closed and I would be ready when the opportunity presented itself.
The next thing I knew lights were being turned off, the tv was switched off and everyone went to bed. I was left lying there in this stupid yellow tray.
I thought about my situation for awhile and then when I was sure that everyone was asleep and it was pitch dark inside and out, I dug a little hole in that grey gritty stuff and did what I had to do. Carefully and as quietly as possible, I covered it over so no-one would know I had done it. I’ll show them.
I went and found a comfortable spot on the couch and slept for another 8 hours or so, thinking that when they got up in the morning they would forget that I’m supposed to be staying inside. At least when I was asleep I wasn’t thinking about this leg hurting so much. My plan was to start taking off the bandage in the morning after everyone had left the house. I would give all those wounds a good wash myself.


Unknown said...

Dear Spiffy

Our Mums Diana and Elizabeth read us your adventures and it sounds very painful - we hope you are getting better miaow miaow

Love and hugs from
Mali and Karma Ward-Pickering

Kathryn said...

Thank you very much Mali & Karma, for your good wishes. And thank you Diana & Elizabeth for letting Mali & Karma know about my situation.
It is really nice to know that I have friends who care about me, even in far off New Zealand.
I am getting much better, but I am desperate to get outside. It is a lovely sunny day today and I can just lie on the bed with the sun coming through the window.
Albert, from next door, has been and said hello to me through the window. I think he is very bored with Hobbes & I both being inside.